Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology
The department is equipped with two laboratories for supporting the students in their curriculum activities. The laboratories are Electronics Lab.-1 and Electronics Lab-II. The major equipment in the Electronic Lab-1 are Bread board trainers, Experimental trainers, Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO), Function generators, well equipped soldering station, etc. Major equipment in Electronics Lab.-II are communication experimental trainers, DSO, function generators, and PCs with intel i-5 core processor, 8GB RAM systems.
Basic Electronics laboratory provides a foundation to electronic circuit design to the students of B. Tech. (ECE/CSE/EEE). In this laboratory, the experiments on identification and testing of electronic components is included. The use of electronic test instruments is demonstrated. Further, some basic electronics circuits are studied.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE/EEE) students in their 3rd semester. In this laboratory, the students are learning fundamental electronic circuits, such as: the amplifier, oscillator implementation and study of their characteristics. The basic building component of this laboratory is transistor and Op-Amp.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE/EEE/CSE) students in their 4th semester. In this laboratory, the students are learning the realization of different fundamental digital electronic circuits. The basic building component of this laboratory is the digital ICs.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE) students in their 4th semester. In this laboratory, the students are studying the fundamental analog communication techniques, such as: study of noise characteristic, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, multiplexing techniques, etc.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE) students in their 5th semester. In this laboratory, the students are studying the fundamental digital communication techniques, such as: amplitude shift keying, phase shift keying, frequency shift keying, pulse code modulation, Pulse modulation techniques.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE/CSE) students in their 5th semester. In this laboratory, the students are learning the programing skills using 8085, 8086 microprocessors and different microcontroller based experiments using 8051.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE/EEE) students in their 5th semester. In this laboratory, the students are learning the MATLAB based programming skills for the simulation of different signals and their manipulation, fundamental processors and filters.
The Embedded System Design Lab is conducted in Electronics Lab-II, Dept. of ECE, SUIIT. The laboratory is conducted during the 6th semester of the B. Tech. (ECE) study program. The experiments are conducted using Arduino board and Arduino IDE: an open source microcontroller board and open source IDE. For the simulation programming of 8051 microcontroller experiments an open source simulator EDSIM is used to write, debug and run the program.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE) students in their 6th semester. In this laboratory, the students are learning VHDL / Verilog based programming using Xilinx. In addition to this, the students are performing hardware implementation using FPGA development kits.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE) students in their 6th semester. In this laboratory, the students are facilitated to implement their ideas for developing small prototypes, which may help them in designing electronic projects in their future.
This laboratory is facilitated to B. Tech. (ECE) students in their 7th semester. In this laboratory, the students are studying different advanced communication systems, such as optical communication, satellite communication, OFDM modulation and demodulation techniques.