Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology



An Academic Committee in an educational institution plays a pivotal role in shaping the academic landscape, ensuring quality, and maintaining the highest standards of education. It serves as a governing body responsible for making decisions related to curriculum development, faculty appointments, academic policies, and overall academic excellence. This committee is typically comprised of a diverse group of individuals, including faculty members, administrators, and sometimes even students, depending on the institution’s structure and policies.

Some key aspects of an Academic Committee in an institute:

  1. Curriculum Development

  2. Faculty Appointments

  3. Academic Policies

  4. Quality Assurance

  5. Accreditation and Compliance

  6. Student Involvement

  7. Research and Innovation

  8. Conflict Resolution

  9. Strategic Planning

  10. Communication

Members of Academic Commitee

1)Director, SUIIT- Chairman (Ex-Officio)
2)Dean, Academic Affairs, SUIIT- Member Secretary
3)All the Head of the Departments of SUIIT- Member
4)Four teachers of SUIIT- Member for Two Years
 a) Ms. Rashmirekha Patra, Asst. Prof. in Math, SUIIT 
 b) Mr. Kalyan Das, Asst. Prof. in CSE, SUIIT 
 c) Mr. Premananda Mishra, Asst. Prof. in ECE, SUIIT 
 d) Dr. Ambarish Panda, Asst. Prof. in CSE, SUIIT 
5)Four External Experts- Member for Two Years
 a) Prof. S.K. Udgata, School of Comp. & Info. Sc., University of Hyderabad 
 b) Prof. Amiya Kumar Rath, Dept. of CSE, VSSUT 
 c) Prof. R. Panda, Dept. of ECE, VSSUT 
 d) Prof. P.K. Hota, Dept. of EE, VSSUT 
6)Nominee of the University- Member for Two Years
 a) Prof. P.K. Naik, Dept. of Bio Technology, SU 
 b) Prof. S. Goswami, Dept. of Earth Science, SU 
 c) Prof. S.N. Naik, Dept. of Physics, SU 
7)The COE, SU- Invited Member
8)Teacher In-Charge of Examinations, SUIIT- Member
9)Two Meritorious Student of SUIIT- Member for One Years
 a) Mr. Amit Pattanayak, (20MTCSE02, M.Tech 3rd Sem) 
 a) Mr. Sachin Ray, (18BTECE12, B.Tech 7th Sem)

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