Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology



The “Student’s Grievance Committee” of SUIIT is constituted to investigate complaints made by any student and determine their merit. The Grievance Committee has the authority to investigate cases of harassment. After receiving written complaints from the students, the situations will be swiftly handled. The Grievance Cell will take the required action in relation to the instances that have been presented.

Members of the Grievance Committee

  1. Dr. Nalini Kanta Barpanda, Asso. Professor in ECE                                      – Convenor
  2. Dr. Prabhat Kumar Sahu, Asso. Professor in Chemistry, SU
  3. Dr. Sudarson Jena, Asso. Professor in EEE, SUIIT
  4. Dr. Ambarish Panda, Asst. Professor in EEE, SUIIT
  5. Mrs. Sushree Subhaprada Pradhan, Asst. Professor in CSE, SUIIT

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