Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology



EEE Labs

Basic Electrical laboratory provides a foundation to electrical engineering to the engineering graduates irrespective of the branches. Experiments related to different AC and DC machines along with different measuring instruments are carried out in this laboratory.

Network analysis laboratory provides the simulation based experiments on analysis of electric circuits. The modeling and behavior of different electric circuits and synthesis of passive filters are carried out in this laboratory.

Electrical Machine-I laboratory focuses on the working principle of DC machine and transformer. Different tests regarding evaluation of parameters of DC machine and transformer are carried out in this laboratory.

Electrical Machine-II laboratory focuses on finding out the parameters, regulation and performance of 3-phase synchronous and induction machine.

Power electronics laboratory focuses on the switching characteristics of different power semiconductor devices such as SCR, diac, triac, MOSFET and IGBT. Load and line regulations of different switching converters are analyzed.

The performance of closed-loop control system with different controller architecture and system stability analysis is performed using both hardware and software platforms.

Measurement and instrumentation laboratory provides the study of different AC and DC bridges for measurement of unknown resistance, inductance and capacitance. Study of different sensors such as LVDT, strain gauge and thermistor are also carried out.

In electrical engineering simulation laboratory, different power converters are designed using MATLAB-Simulink. Apart from power converter, controller design for closed-loop control scheme and magnetic design of electrical machines are carried out.

In power system simulation laboratory, operational characteristics of protective relays (numerical IDMT and biased differential) are analyzed. Various operation and control issues of power system are simulated in MATLAB environment.

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