Dr. Sudarson Jena
Dr. Sudarson Jena holds a M.Tech degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru University of Technology (JNTU), Hyderabad and Ph. D degree from Sambalpur University, Odisha. He has more than twenty-one years of teaching, research and administrative experience. Have guided 32 PG dissertation thesis, 7 Ph.D thesis and currently guiding 6 more. Have 80+ publications in journals, book chapters and Conference proceedings. Filed 4 in inter-disciplinary patents. He serves as an editorial board member and reviewer of various reputed international journals published by Springer, Elsevier, ACM etc. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Life Member of Computer Society of India (CSI), Association of Indian Science Congress and ISTE and Senior member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology. He is associated with SUIIT in 2017 and is currently working as an Associate Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science Engineering and Application. His areas of interest include Parallel and Distributed Computing, Performance and Reliability analysis of Interconnection Networks, High Dimension data, Machine learning, Soft Computing and Big data Analytics.
Biographical Info
- M.Tech(CSE) – Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University(JNTU), Hyderabad
- Ph.D. (CS) – Sambalpur University
- Teaching: 21 yrs
- Research: 10 yrs
- Subjects Taught: Computer Organization and Architecture, Computer Network, Artificial Intelligence, Simulation Modelling, Database Management System, Programming in C
- Professional Membership:
- Member of Computer Society of India (CSI), Membership No. N1046113
- Senior Member of IEEE, Membership No. 92435410
- Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). Membership No. LM 62522
- Life member of Association Indian Science Congress Membership No.
- Senior Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology(IACSIT), Membership No. 80345285.
- Member of Internet Society, South Asia region.
- Reviewer of National /International Journals:
- Reviewer of Journal of Super Computing. (Springer)
- Reviewer of Information Processing Letters. (Elsevier)
- Reviewer of Evolving Systems (Springer)
- Reviewer of Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology
- Reviewer of Journal of Advances in Computing, Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA
- Reviewer of International Journal of Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering .
- Reviewer of International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology.
- Reviewer of Journals of International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research.
- Reviewer of Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing.
- American Journal of Intelligent Systems, Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA
- Reviewer of International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET)
- Reviewer of International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) (USA).
- Reviewer of International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER).
- Reviewer of International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE) of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology(IACSIT), Membership No. 80345285.
- Editorial Board Member of National /International Journals:
- American Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering, American Association for Science and Technology Publishing, (USA)
- American Journal of Computer Architecture, Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA
- Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (USA).
- American Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering.
- International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, eSAT Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.
- International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (India).
- International Journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication.
- Excellence and Innovation Award -2016, PEARL foundation, Madurai, Tamilnadu, 10th December 2016.
- Best Researcher Award-2016, 7th Convocation, GITAM University, Hyderabad, 17th,2016.
- Bharat Excellence Award, Friendship Forum of India, New Delhi, March 2014.
- Best Paper Award, International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science & Information Technology (ICICSIT 2015 ), 28-29 August 2015, Hyderabad.
- Best Paper Award, National Conference on Advancements in Information Technology and
- Area of Specialization:
- Interconnection Networks, High dimensional data, Big data, Soft Computing, Parallel, and Distributed Systems
- Research Guidances
- M.Tech. Awarded: 25
- M.Phil: Awarded: 07
- Ph.D: Awarded(06), Submitted (01), Continuing(03)
- Training/Workshop: 15
Research Publications
- Number of Journals: 27
- Conference Proceedings/ Book Chapters: 40
- Jena, Sudarson; et al. Health Related Crisis Ready Plan through Wireless Sensor Network and the Cloud Computing at Populated Spots, Patent number: 2021100341, Australian patent, 31 March 2021. (Granted).
- [email protected]
- +91 8247679467