Dr. Krishna Chandra Patra
Having more than 25 years of teaching and 15 years of research Experience I have worked in the field of High speed and bulk data communication Technology based on Optical communication to facilitate the students the area. However, I have used my expertise to extend the research in the field of Bio – Photonics including Bio-Medical Instrumentation. Teaching Laser and optoelectronics, different aspect of communication and IC fabrication along with Bio-Medical instrumentation an application area of Electronics and instrumentation I have developed the Laboratory Experiments for better understanding of the Subjects. AI and Machine learning applications in Electronics and Embedded Technology for analysis of Thesis work for research student are in the process of learning phase.
- Ph.D, Electronics, Delhi University
- M.Sc. (Electronics), Sambalpur University
- B.Sc. (Physics), Sambalpur University
- Experience:
- Teaching: 25 yrs
- Research: 15 yrs
- PROFESSIONAL BODY MEMBER: SPIE (International), OSA(USA), Photonics – 21 (EU)
- Area of Specialization : Electronics and Communication, Signal Processing, Optical Communication, Optic System, Opti grating, Optic EPM, Image Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Deep Neural Network
- Subjects Taught: Most of Electronics and Communication
- Guidance
- B.Tech: 30+ (IETE)
- M.Sc: 20 (8 SU+15 Association in DU)
- M.Tech: 2 (IP Univ.,Delhi)
- M.Phil: 6
- Ph.D: 4 (Awarded), 2 (Submitted), 4(Pursuing)
- Best paper awarded at the international conference ICIIC-2021, 6th-7th August, 2021
- Invited to photonics West, 2013
- One Patent Topic “FIR filter performance analysis in RFNoC”, Application no:202331016617 Publication date: 24/03/2023
- Training/Workshop: 10 (Attended)
- Conferences: 6 (Attended)
- Publications: 45 (Int. Journal) 21 (Int. Conference) 04 (Book Chapter)
- International Research Project: Collaboration Project b/ w MCIT and Japan Govt. on Ubiquitous Technology in Communication.[2006 -2008]
- [email protected]
- 9438552045